
How to utilize AI in your business?
Explore our one day AI QuickStart workshop for your company.

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Who are we?

Ai4Value offers its customers AI solutions that can be used to benefit from automated AI-based data processing. Ai4Value also offers AI training for both business and technology-oriented individuals seeking AI information. Boost your company's AI knowledge with Ai4Value's one-day training, AI QuickStart!

The basis of Ai4Value's AI tools is the company's own use case-based algorithms. The main focus in Ai4Value's tools is on NLP/NLU and machine learning, including deep learning algorithms. Ai4Value has been using GPT-based models for over two years already and is well-versed in GPT-3.5/4. Ai4Value's NLP/NLU algorithms are language-independent and well-trained with the Finnish language.

Ai4Value always on the forefront!

At Ai4Value, we have used large language models: OpenAI GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and ChatGPT from the very start. But we also understand that some businesses need to keep their data confidential. That's why we've also developed our own powerful tools, including Textplorer, Ontology, and Recommendation Engine, to ensure that you get the results you need without compromising your privacy.


Flexible Solutions

As part of the EU Horizon project (AshCycle) led by the University of Oulu, Ai4Value is contributing its expertise in developing a modeling system that decreases carbon emissions from ash re-use. Our solution can be customized to any scenario that requires optimization. This flexibility ensures that it is not limited to just one use case, generating value for a broad range of applications.



Ai4Value offers several trainings in field of AI and intelligent process automation, for both business professionals and technical experts. Experience our AI QuickStart workshops.



Let's transform your vision to a concrete AI solution. Our dedicated experts dive deeper to your business challenges, thoroughly assessing your unique needs.

Start your project with Ai4Value!

Proven and pre-trained use cases.

Master data cleaning

Don't let dirty data hold you back. Our data cleaning services save you time, money, and frustration by ensuring your AI projects are always built on a strong foundation.

Ontology creation

The cutting-edge technology that automatically maps out relations and context to provide a strong foundation for any NLP/NLU project. Unlock the full potential of your data with our advanced ontology creation software, which automatically generates a comprehensive understanding of your data's relationships and structures. Streamline your data analysis process and gain valuable insights.

Supply chain optimization

Transform your logistics operations with our state-of-the-art solution, designed to help you minimize costs and maximize efficiency. Take advantage of the latest in AI technology to optimize your logistics cycle and achieve unparalleled performance with our innovative tool.

Intelligent process automation

Traditional robotic process automation (RPA) is frequently hindered by unstructured data.​ Furthermore, process type or path might depend on interpretation of data.​ Machine learning (ML) algorithms enable robot to learn an ideal way to work in complex environment.​ AI-powered robots can also assess confidence level and associated risks for each task.

Sentiment analysis

Extracts valuable insights from customer feedback: Our sentiment analysis tool is perfect for identifying customer sentiment in survey results and communication channels.

Recommendation engine

Our engine is designed to handle large datasets such as technical documentation, legal texts, and research, using a powerful learning algorithm that suggests the most relevant information for the user.